Boost Your Rentals with Custom Listing Integration
Hire film gear from local filmmakers.
Hire film gear from local filmmakers.
Bid welcome to our newest feature – here to make you ace your rentals. We've recently introduced our Custom Listing Integration making it possible for you to boost your rentals, pay less fees, and at the same time make your gear shine on your website. What's more? It's completely free!
Sound too good to be true? Hear me out...
Whether you're a lender or renter, we're always looking for ways to enhance your Wedio experience. Sometimes inspiration comes from within our office walls, other times they come from you and sometimes they arise as a symphony of both.
Our latest symphony is no different... We love knowing what our members are up to, whether it's checking out demo reels or ogling your latest gear listings - what can I say - we're super curious!

During one of our curiosity streaks, we noticed that a small number of our members had linked their Wedio listings on their company and personal websites. We're not talking simple blue text hyperlinks; we're talking full-blown snapshots of the gear they list with Wedio!
Challenge accepted 💪
We loved this idea, in fact so much that we decided to ask our members, what you thought and most importantly, how you felt about having a similar on your site. Not so surprisingly, you guys fell just as hard for the idea as we did. Well, apart from one thing – the "doing it" part. We all want to or 'like the idea' of completing a marathon, but when it comes to training for one, well, that's a different story.
We've spent some time reflecting on what you told us, determined to come up with a solution. We knew we couldn't deploy an army of web developers to re-write the code on hundreds of our member's sites. We knew you're busy, so we couldn't expect you to find the time to throw on your web developer hat, either!
So, we put our heads together and found a solution, you know what they say; "teamwork makes the dreamwork" (mind-blowing stuff, ha?). We found a way to deliver HTML Snippets for you, that's ready to plug straight into your site, hassle-free!
Snipp-what? 😐
So, what on earth am I talking about... some of you might be well aware what a snippet is, and if so top marks! For those of us a little less tech-savvy, a snippet is a piece of reusable source code - perfect for giving you as a lenders what you want without an army of web devs!
Show me already! 👀

When it comes to film and photography, stating that visuals are key is stating the obvious. We didn't want to build something that distracts or feels alien - after all, it is your site.
Our friends over at Blue Dove Media kindly allowed us to show off the snippet in action on their awesome site. As you can see, the snippet can be added to any existing or new page on your site and is tailored to only showcase your equipment. We also include a section for a promo code exclusive to your account to help you and your renters even more through fee discounts!
What's the point? 🤔
You might be wondering, what's the point of this 'snippet', especially since your gear is already listed on Wedio. Maybe you've included a gear list on your site already and feel that's enough. Sure, I get that – and these are valid objections. So, I'm going to sum up why doing this is a good, no, a GREAT idea.
Greater Exposure: This goes without saying, however, the more visable your listings are, the more likely they are to recieve rental requests. Having your gear on your site means you have yet another way to reach your potential customers.
Rewards: If renters find Wedio through your site, in fact, through you in any way, we think you should be rewarded. After all, they found you not us. That's why when we deliver our snippet, we also create a promo code exclusive to you, so whenever you bring a new renter, they have a 50% off for their first rental on Wedio.
Showcase Your Gear: Your gear is a reflection of you, and how serious you are about your craft. Even if your site visitors are not looking to rent from you, they may very well be curious to see your tools before hiring you for a project.
So, what are you waiting for?